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Advanced Clinical Massage 68  Cayce/Reilly® Massage & Anatomy & Physiology I In this class, students will learn and practice advanced therapeutic modalities and techniques that will enabling them to work with clients who have specific injuries, complaints, and/or tension patterns. The effects of pain and reduction of pain in the application of technique will be discussed. Theory and practice in myofascial release and neuromuscular therapy will be reviewed.​
Anatomy & Physiology I  75  None This course presents an overview of the organization of the human body. Although body systems are studied, there is an emphasis placed on the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. The study of regional anatomy focuses on surface landmarks; individual muscle origins, insertions and actions; posture and movement analysis; and specific nerve innervations. In maintaining the perspective of massage therapy, precautions and therapeutic considerations are also covered.
Anatomy & Physiology II  75  Anatomy & Physiology I This course continues the study of the body systems with a detailed look at how they work together and it also examines the body systems from a bodywork perspective. The pathology, biomechanics and specific nerve functioning with respect to their role in massage is also covered. The focus is on the student acquiring a thorough working knowledge of the form and function of the human body.
Applied Pathology 45 Anatomy & Physiology I This is an introduction to pathology as it might be encountered in the practice of massage therapy. Signs and symptoms, path physiology and indications, or contraindications of many diseases will be covered and pharmacology considerations will also be discussed. Assessment and integrative techniques will address specific muscular dysfunction.
Body/Mind/Spirit 20 None This experiential class will expand on a frequently mentioned concept in the Cayce readings: “…spirit is the life, mind is the builder, physical is the result” (reading 349-4). The element of touch awakens new body awareness and offers an opportunity to more fully understand one’s body, as well as enhance the quality of life through development of one’s fundamental spiritual nature. How do emotions from yesterday affect one’s body today? How is illness used as a vehicle for growth? This is a class of discussion, discovery and fun.
Business Development 20  None Students will be instructed in the basic business principles and practices of a professional massage therapist. Information on accounting, insurance, tax preparation, marketing and business plans will be explored. Students will also be introduced to interview skills, resume writing and how to maximize employment opportunities.
Cayce/Reilly® Massage & Wellness 152  Anatomy & Physiology I Fundamental technique of relaxation massage, with emphasis on the Cayce/Reilly® treatment; combines Swedish style massage strokes with rotation of joints and limbs as well as the stimulation and vibration of organs and glands. The history of massage, contraindications for massage, benefits and physiology of massage, use of oils, draping techniques, body mechanics, endangerment sites, self-care, and a selection of holistic Cayce remedies are also presented. Students give and receive massage in this class.
Chair Massage 20  None  Students learn to use one of the fastest-growing marketing tools in the field of massage therapy. Course includes instruction in techniques unique to a portable massage chair ranging from a one-minute demonstration “routine” with basic strokes, to a more specific, 15-minute therapeutic lower back release, work on the upper shoulders and neck, and therapeutic work specific to carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms.
Clinical Experience I 28 Cayce/Reilly Massage Students are required to give massage sessions in the Cayce/Reilly School Student Clinic with the supervision of a massage professional. The clinical experience is designed to give our students valuable hands-on experience and feedback with a variety of clients.
Clinical Experience II 48  Cayce/Reilly Massage & Clinical Experience I The practicums in the second semester will give students further hands-on experience while also allowing them to begin integrating a variety of modalities that are taught in the second semester.
Healer's Path 10  None This course covers Cayce’s concept of healing with readings, discussions, rituals and participatory experiences of being a channel for healing. The practices of inter-professional education will also be explored.
Hydrotherapy 20  Cayce/Reilly Massage & Wellness  Students study and apply the various modes of hydrotherapy and other modalities, including stream/fume baths, packs, cryotherapy, heliotherapy, paraffin, hydro collators and facials. No prerequisite.
Integrative Massage 20  Cayce/Reilly Massage & Wellness  The Integrative Massage class is an opportunity for students to learn additional advanced orthopedic massage techniques and protocols for specific areas of pain relief. In addition, students have the opportunity to practice the integration of all the modalities learned in the program into a full body massage routine.
Kinesiology 35  Anatomy & Physiology I This highly experiential class is geared to assist students in developing essential palpation skills, as well as learning various methods of palpation and when and how to use them.
Massage Research  10  None Students will receive the basics of research, with a specific emphasis on massage. They will learn the language needed to be able to understand the research reports, where to find specific research material and many other useful tools that will assist the successful massage therapist with their practice and clients.
MBLEX Preparation 4  None Students will be instructed in the application process for taking the required licensure exam—Massage and Bodywork Licensing Exam (MBLEx) for professional practice in the state of Virginia. Students will also learn about how the test is organized and basic test-taking strategies.
Nutrition, Health and Wellness 15  None By introducing students to the basics of nutrition, they will gain a practical understanding of nutrition and how it relates to overall health. Students will have the opportunity to analyze and assess their own dietary habits. The transpersonal elements of nutrition will be explored, with emphasis on what the Edgar Cayce readings reveal on the subject.
Professional Ethics 15  None This course focuses on establishing a successful and ethical massage practice. Topics include: client communication skills, professional behavior and boundaries and ethical standards of practice.
Reflexology 20  None Through demonstration and hands-on practice, students learn the history, purpose and application of this ancient healing art. Explanation of zone theory, foot anatomy and various palpation techniques offered.