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Accommodations for Students with Disabilities and Learning Differences

The Cayce/Reilly School will provide reasonable accommodations for qualified students with documented disabilities or learning differences. For the purposes of this policy, a qualified student is one who can, with or without reasonable accommodations, complete course and program requirements and who can provide documentation for the requested accommodation. Prospective students are encouraged to review these requirements and options for accommodations during the admissions process. Current students are encouraged to review these requirements and options for accommodations with the instructor or the Administration.
Requests for reasonable accommodations should not create undue hardship on the school administration or teaching faculty. Reasonable accommodations are made with the school's size, financial and administrative resources, and existing curricula in mind and do not compromise those factors of the school's operations. Reasonable accommodations also align with existing curriculum expectations and do not compromise academic integrity or requirements.
Any student requesting specific accommodations as deemed eligible under the American Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 should provide appropriate documentation prior to enrollment in the program or course (as applicable) directly to the administrative offices. 

Documentation for physical or mental disabilities must include:
  • a statement from a licensed, qualified medical care provider who has treated or otherwise provided care for the student;
  • a detailed diagnosis, including, as applicable, dates of treatment, testing or assessment tools, the impairment associated with the diagnosis;
  • a recommendation for appropriate accommodations.
Documentation for learning differences should include the evaluator’s credentials and supporting information for a diagnosis and recommended accommodations.
The school will review and determine if the requested accommodations can be met reasonably and without undue hardship on the administration or teaching faculty. Decisions will be shared and documented in a timely manner. A student wishing to file a complaint about a decision regarding reasonable accommodations should contact the Dean of Institutional Administration.