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  • Be at least eighteen years of age
  • Provide high school completion transcript, diploma, or GED certificate. In the absence of these documents, applicant must provide a post-secondary transcript showing at least sixty credits in a science or health science field.
  • Complete a massage school application and submit the $75 application fee (see catalog for application deadlines)
  • Be able to speak and understand the English language sufficiently to participate in classes and complete the massage school program
  • Provide proof of having received of one professional massage
  • Provide a letter from a healthcare professional (MD, DO, DC, NP) stating that the applicant is in good health and physically able to practice massage
  • Provide proof of negative tuberculosis test
  • Have a personal or telephone interview with a staff or faculty member
  • Provide a valid student visa form (I-20) if a foreign student; see "International Students"

All massage school applicants are screened and interviewed by our staff and evaluated on their motivation and academic ability to benefit from our program, without discrimination on the basis of age, sex, race, national or ethnic origin, religion, creed, sexual preference, or general disability.

Admissions Process

  • Cayce/Reilly School applicant mails (or completes online) application form and a $75 nonrefundable application fee to the school
  • Applicant has copies of high school diploma, GED, or college transcripts forwarded to the school
  • Applicant sends proof of having received one professional massage
  • Applicant has physical exam and TB test no more than twelve months before massage school begins; the school reserves the right to decline admission in the absence of a valid physician's letter of health
  • Applicant has telephone or personal interview
  • Applicant is given verbal acceptance, followed by a written letter of acceptance

International Students

This school is authorized under federal law to enroll nonimmigrant students. To be considered for admission to the massage school and for issuance of an I-20 certificate, students must meet all requirements for admission and also must:

  • ​Complete and sign a Financial Statement/Affidavit of Support, verified by a bank or employer; a letter from the sponsor, proclaiming financial responsibility and guaranteeing financial support for the student, must accompany the financial support affidavit (the U.S. Department of Immigration and Naturalization requires the school to determine how an international student will meet expenses while enrolled at the school before the school is permitted to issue an I-20 form)
  • International applicants and any visa holders whose native language is not English must provide proof of English proficiency. English proficiency is met with the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), taken within 1 year of desired matriculation date. A minimum Internet-based TOEFL score of 64 is required with a minimum reading score of 15, a minimum listening score of 14, a minimum speaking score of 18 and a minimum writing score of 17 is preferred. Test score reports must be sent directly to the admissions coordinator from TOEFL. Cayce Reilly School TOEFL code is C391.
  • Applicants may be exempt from the TOEFL requirement if they have earned a U.S. high school diploma, having attended all four years of high school in the U.S.
  • Please note that an M-1 visa requires full-time attendance.
  • Be free of contagious disease. Any question regarding this requirement should be discussed with the massage school administrator at the time the application is made

Denial of Admission

This institution reserves the right to deny admission to any applicant for reasons including, but not limited to:

  • Failure to meet the stated entrance requirements
  • Lacking the physical capabilities to perform massage
  • Having health problems that interfere with duties as a student or massage practitioner
  • Inability to meet financial obligations to the school
  • Exhibiting a lack of motivation or incompatible philosophy regarding bodywork
  • The massage school may deny admission if it is deemed that an education in massage will not be beneficial to the applicant

Transfer Credit and Testing Out

Prospective students who have taken college level Anatomy/Physiology will be allowed to test out of our Anatomy/Physiology I and Anatomy/Physiology II courses after meeting the following criteria:

  • Completion of a comparable course (in both subject matter and hours) at another postsecondary school
  • Submission of syllabus (for comparison) and transcript that indicates course was passed with a minimum of a "C"
  • Hours must meet or exceed the hours offered at the Cayce/Reilly School
  • Course taken at another postsecondary school must have been done within previous five years
  • There is a $300 nonrefundable test-out fee to sit for the test-out exam (one per class)
  • The prospective student must pass the exam(s) with a minimum of 80%
  • Should the prospective student not make a minimum of 80%, he/she will then be required to pay the tuition in full for the course and take the course at the Cayce/Reilly School

Cancellation and Refund Policy

All cancellation and refund policies meet the requirements of the State Council of Higher Education (SCHEV).

All payments remitted to the school (except the $75 application fee) shall be refunded to the student if he/she is found to be ineligible to attend or withdraws prior to the beginning of classes.

For massage students who pay by semester:

  • A student who enters the program but withdraws or is terminated during the first quarter (25%) of the semester is entitled to receive as a refund a minimum of 50% of the stated cost of the course or program FOR THE SEMESTER
  • A student who enters the program but withdraws after completing a quarter (25%), but less than half (50%) of the semester is entitled to receive as a refund a minimum of 25% of the stated cost of the course or program FOR THE SEMESTER
  • A student who withdraws after completing half, or more than half, of the semester is not entitled to a refund

All refunds are calculated on a per semester basis:

  • Any part-time student who withdraws after classes have started will be charged for the hours completed
  • Withdrawal from the school must be in writing
  • All refunds are calculated and made within 30 days of receipt of written notice